Sat 11 Jan
36D Perfect Asian Girl TodaY arrival 👄👄 💋 Few DAYS Here 👄👄 S M O K I N H O T !💋416-618-7755 - 19
(Hwy 404 / Hwy 7 / Woodbine Ave@Markham, Toronto, York Region)
~ * ~ Stop ~ * ~ look ~ * ~ BOOTY meat * ~ Blonde ~ 36 DD ~ ANY better? ~ LOOK ~ dime breed ~ - 20
SuPeR H0T —— **♥** —— ( SPECiALs 2NitE ) —— BRUnETTe FAnTaSY —— ( iN CALL AVAiLABLE ) —— * - 24
(City of San Diego, Mira Mesa / 805 Freeway / In Call Only)
Kim💋💋is 👀👀👀👀 BACK 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾Chocolate 🍫🍫🌪🌪Is Always Better! Don't miss This 👌🏾👌🏾👅👅👅💦💦💦 - 23
(Honolulu (Oahu), waikiki)
*(~*~WELCOME 2 My PlAY RoOm ~*~ WHERE ThE PARTY NeVeR EnDs~*~ Ready Now !!! - * - 23
(City of San Diego, Missions Valley Incall Hotel Circle S.)
(SPECIALS) S⭐K⭐I⭐L⭐L⭐E⭐D 💋Lips💋Juicy👅💦Grips💦👅 💎The Perfect SENSUAL Experience 💎⭐ (SPECIALS) - 19
(South SD County, chula vista)
hot sexy latina with curly long hair come have s0me funn 619#602#5089 - 18
(City of San Diego, vista)
Great Two Girl Specials ...Recent Piczzz!! HOT EXOTiC PR/CuBaN HoNEy ! 1000% OFFICIAL PICS - 20
(MEADOWSLAND,NJ 24 hr Incalls)
===== ======= One HOT BRUNETTE --------DreAm GIRL!!!! ===== ===== Come PLay! ! NOW!!! - 24
(Medford, Medford & Surrounding Areas)
★ ★ ★ ★ ♥♥♥♥Hey Guys ★ ★ ♥♥♥★ ★100% independent ★ ★ ♥♥ ♥★ ★100% Real★il♥♥♥ - 28
(East Valley, scottsdale)
❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ PETITE BUSTY 34DD❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ BOOTY ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ WELL REVIEWED ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ - 27
(Long Beach, LBC)
💋💎🎁 BeAuTy ✔ BoDy A1 ✔ DoNt SetTle FoR AnyOnE BuT Me ⭐🎁💎 - 24
(Las Vegas, AlL Hotels: Outcalls and Incalls)
★ █ █ THE HOT GIRL NEXT DOOR you've BEEN wanting ¦:•-:¦ Brunette Bombshell ★ █ █ INCALL AVAIL🔥🔥 - 21
(Las Vegas, outcalls 2 u and incalls 2 me)
*s3xy* ♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥ latina ♥ PLAYMATE ♥ *100% satisfaction* - 20
(North Jersey, ==♥ S e C a U c U s ♥==)
Puerto Rican Treat, Juicy Booty Naila Available NOW!... Specials all night...Call Now!! - 24
(North Jersey, OUTCALLS ONLY)
GORGEOUS×x ((* C*L*A*S*S*Y*)) xx UPSCALE xxSeXy xx (( Blonde)) xx *$80 SPECIAL., - 30
FREAKY & CuTe CoLLeGe GiRL•• :¦:• LEAVING SOON:¦: B •L • O • N• D • E:¦: SPECiALS Busty w/aBiG BOOTY - 24
(North Jersey, ~~**( Wayne )**~~ 24hr In Some Out)
Friendly & *Kinky* B~L~O~N~D~E * Curvy DoLL ( ( ( LAST CHANCE ) ) ) WeLL-ReViEwEd! GREAT RATES! - 24
(North Jersey, 24Hr::: Safe Wayne InCaLL:::)
VIP Gorgeous Exotic Ebony Model & Adult Star! 100% Real & Recent Pix! Sunday FUNday! - 26
(Midtown West, Midtown Manhattan ((Incall & Outcall)))
☀☂╠╣OT☀☂▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊☀☂ MILF Asian amazing Personality ☀☂▊▊▊36D▊▊▊☀☂BODY🌺🌺 MASSAGE ☀☂▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊B2B ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 22
(Babylon, Farmingdale 🌸🌸🌸🌸Real Real, Long Island)
I LoVe wHaT I Do ****** & I DO iT WeLL ******* 110 & 91 fwy harbor city - 24
(mY PlaCe HoStInG...harbor city)
💋 K I S S 💋_____________ 💋Sexy Party girL💋____________ 💋 K I S S 💋 - 24
(City of San Diego, hotel cir la jolla coronado MV, San Diego)
bustyCArAMeLbarbie- - *_ hhr|hr OUTcallzONLY √Am & √Pm . . se habla espanol papi - 19
(City of San Diego, East SD County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
*** VANESSA *** sexxy face seductive smile classy ways .. { available now!! } - 21
♥____ S U P E R _____ **♥** _____ H O T T ____♥ - 21
(Chula Vista Incalls)
[ sExY tReAt ].... Its YOUR LUCKY DAY !!!!!!........ UlTiMaTe pErIeNcE !!!!!!..... [ LETS PLAY! ] - 21
(* Waikiki *...Fun...In/Outcall..24/7*)
♥ SeXy AsiAn CoLLeGe StUdEnT here for your full satisfaction and pleasure. 24/7 ♥ - 21
Saturday 6:30p.m 💥💞💥. 1.(o).(o) . + 💥💞💥 Speci@l 💥💞💥 Text NiKKi - 21
(Honolulu (Oahu), Mililani (c@rdat.z))
* ( ¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯ ) wAiTiNg 4 yOu To LeT Me ShOw U wHaT i CaN dO GoInG aWaY sPeCiAlS ( ¯`'.¸*¸. - 23
(NoRtH bErGeN/1-9 iM bAcK bOyS..)
Trista Cummings Blue Eyed Blonde Beauty Is Here and Waiting For YOU 100 specials! - 25
(INCALL - Paramus/Rochelle Park)
UP ALL NIGHT LONG°•°Mixed Ebony *CAPRI* were dreams come TRUE*80HH•°• - 23
(North Jersey, Newark Airport//Frontage Rd//Elizebet//N)
SEXY ASIAN ☰☰☰☰☰☰ HOT & SWEET ☰☰☰☰☰☰ INCALL ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ ✦✦ BODY ON THE BODY ✦✦☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ - 22
(North Jersey, route 4---FORT LEE incall: 516-312-0539)
SeXxY*** (( SmOkInG HoT )) ***ReaDY TO RocK YouR World ! - 28
👅💋Last Day In Windsor💋👅 😱Ready 4 A Pounding😱 😍❤️Sexy Lyssa❤️😍 😱🍑Bum Play🍑😱 💦Big Time Squir.ter💦 - 24
(EC Row and Huron Church-Incall/Outcall, Windsor)
☆☆☆☆☆☆~~~ ♡ Finest ♡ Quality ♡ ~~~☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 24
(City of Vancouver, Richmond incalls . Outcalls, Vancouver)
♧☆♧☆super Thick LOok at that big BOOTY come watch me make it CLAP in your face♡♥♡♡ - 26
(Tucson, Starr pass and la cholla)
🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 PARTY ALL NIGHT 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 OUTCALL ONLY 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 NEW SUPER Attractive Party Girls 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 Amazing 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯 - 20
(4164182345 PARTY ANYWHERE 🎯❌🎯❌🎯❌🎯, City of Toronto, Toronto)
💎NEW PICS💎 Bambi @ Mississauga 🔥 $ultry Indian Vixen 🔥 647-641-7546 - 21
(City of Toronto, Mississauga, Toronto)
RuSSiAN PriNcEsS 💯KillER 👄SKillS!💋 SwEeT🌷SexY EnErGeTiC💯 I❤2 PLZ &I;💜2 Be Plzed 2!💋 - 27
Sexy sweet ass and best company you could ask for also super cute ::::call me 413 2101671 - 27
(Springfield, Springfield, e longmeadow, Northampton,a)
***SOPHIA*** I Want To Be Your Dirty Little Secret! ***SOPHIA*** Available All Night Just for You! - 23
(Springfield, West Springfield)
✨ fantastic Friday Specials♥ Let Me relives Your Stress♥ ♊ Girls Available❗❕ Sexy Lexi 774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
here for the weekend.... Definitely! Gone on monday - 32
(Springfield, West springfield. incall... And out)
My Lips Say & Do Deliciously Devastating Things To Men- Inviting Outcall Rates - 27
(Springfield, OUTCALL Springfield & New England)
gentleman are you looking for a good time with a upscale female super specials 80 roses 413 259 5035 - 18
(Springfield, West Springfield incalls & outcalls)
Attractive White Single Mom Seeking Honest, Mature Gentleman For Christmas Help - 28
(Las Vegas, ☆ Cheyenne & 95 ~ Must Come To You ☆)
♥ ———AMAZING——————» (( «————————————— (( EXOTIC ) ♥ - 31
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego/Mission gorge rd)
( ⌣́,⌣̀)\(^◡^ ) Spreading My Xmas Sweetness!! 웃❤유 Every Mans FANTASY! - 24
(City of San Diego, Kearny Mesa Incall)
((¯`'.¸o° ___ *** S E x X x Y ********* T R O P i C A L ********* D ' L ii G H T ***__ °o¸.'´¯))
(oceanside/ carlsbad/ vista)
New girl!!! I ❤ WhAt i dO ...((&)) SO WiLL YOU !!! - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Visiting San Diego)
👅💦 Never Fake! Always Sexy! 🏪PRIVATE DISCREET INCALLS 🏩 24HRs Always Available💜😍 - 22
(City of San Diego, La Mesa, Mission Valley, SDSU, San Diego)
@@@ (( NAUGHTY )) @@@ (( ITALIAN F_R_E_A_K )) @@@ (( HOTTEST BRUNETTE )) @@@ - 20
(HOTEL CIRCLE // INCALL/ 60100180)
🔥MENA your raging 🔥Cajun 🔥Louisiana Hot 🔥Treat - 28
(North SD County, Oceanside Downtown, San Diego)
Egyptian EXotic... GoDdESS ReADy TO Play... New IN ToWN ((( Seductive ))) - 21
(City of San Diego, DownTownSD PointLoma OldTown IN/OUTS)
♥ (100 Special) ♥ Trisha Is Back In Town! ♥ (100 Special) ♥ - 21
(Carlsbad - Palomar Airport)
Fri 10 Jan
Asian Girl 💞 ------- I Know _____EXACTLY_____ what YoU NEED... -----💞 - 22
(Close Museum of Art or I come to you, Honolulu (Oahu))
✅✅✅✅AYOKA LAST DAY, 😍😍. ALOHA 😍!!!😛😛😛 100% Real Pics or It's Free. Don't miss out !!!!✅✅✅✅ - 24
(Honolulu (Oahu))
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw!! - 19
(Mission Valley)
⭐️👠 Katie Monroe 👠⭐️ New girl ☺️Petite Blond 💓 French girl 😘😘 - 24
(Dixon rd airport, Mississauga, Toronto)